Thursday, September 26, 2019

Looking back & Looking Ahead September 30-Oct. 4

Don't forget Monday September 30 is ORANGE Shirt Day!

Study sheets for theme 2 and 3 module 1 are due on October 3rd!
Test themes 1 to 3 Monday October 7th. 

This week in Math class we continued our work on integers. The class explored ways of subtracting
integers using tiles to visually represent our understanding. We completed many work examples in the text book. Next week we will continue our work with subtracting integers with a number line as well as a review of the entire unit. The unit test on integers will possibility be on Thursday Oct 3rd. I will confirm this with the students on Monday. Enjoy the possibility of snow this weekend ❄⛄ 

Social Studies:
We worked this week on researching and creating posters for our presentations on the first peoples of Canada. Presentations will be due Tuesday, Oct. 1, so that students can practice and present their information. 

We read the Maori legend of Maui. We are now watching Moana to compare and contrast the two. In order to do so, we will be learning paragraph structure and writing a paragraph comparing one element of the myth.


Friday, September 20, 2019

Looking back and looking ahead Sept 23-27

This week in math we continued to learn about integers. We practiced the adding of integers with tiles and we also learned how to add integers using a numbers line. On Wednesday student had a quiz on the 1st half of the integer unit.  Next week we will be continue our unit and learns about subtracting integers with tiles and a numbers lines. Pages 66-75 of the text book. Enjoy your long weekend!
Mr. Soufi

Feuille d'étude thème 2 à remettre jeudi le 26 septembre 2019.


This week we compared the myths of "Narcissus and Echo"(Roman) and "Dragon Princess Tatsuko." (Japanese) We then began reading the written version of the Maui Myth, which we will compare to the Disney film Moana. We will practice paragraph writing and discuss how audience can affect the interpretation of a work.

Social Studies

Our 3QPOC sheets were due on Monday. We then moved onto map reading and wrote a quiz on that on Wednesday. We then viewed and reproduced maps of north america in 2 different ways: we viewed the ancestral linguistic divisions of where our indigenous peoples lived, and then considered the map as a giant turtle, as it is in one of the creation stories we read. Finally, we began a research and presentation project into individual First Nations of Canada. We will work on it all next week and presentation will follow the week after.

Thank you for sharing so many fun and interesting things about yourselves last week during your "ma vie en sac" presentations!  It was a great way to get to know a little bit more about each of you and it was a nice way to end off a short week 😀  This week we will be continuing our review of adjectives, preparing for a quiz and possibly introduce our next project.  On Tuesday we will be going to the library where Ms. Fitz will tell us a bit about the rules and systems of the learning commons.  We will also have a chance to sign out an independent reading novel or non-fiction book.  You will be expected to read this on your own time at home.  In a month or two, you will have independent conversations with me about your novel so that you can tell me about what you have been reading!

On Wednesday there will be a quiz on adjective placement and accord.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Looking back & Looking ahead September 16-20


In Math this week, we reviewed the results of the diagnostic test the students wrote last week. We started our unit on Integers (Unit 2). The students learned to use models to add integers and did many practice examples. Students did homework assignments based on the first two sections of this unit. Next week we will look at subtracting Integers. If you have not already done so, a reminder to please have your textbook covered by Monday Sept. 16 at the latest.

Have a great weekend! 
Mr. Soufi


In Science this week we are starting our Interaction and Ecological System unit. We will learn how to make a Study Sheet and will view the theme 1 of the 1st unit of our textbook.
Notes module 1: Écosystème
Notes module 1: Écosystème (élève)
Science Outline


Due in ELA this week were our Soundtrack projects. Once we were finished with those, we talked about classifications of Myths, Legends, Fantasy and Fairy/Folk Tales. We read our first story: "How the Thunder made Horses" and will be comparing it to "The Contest Over Athens." Following that, we will de the same with "Narcissus and Echo" and "Dragon Princess Tatsuko." Then we will do a larger comparison with a written version of the Maui Myth and the Disney film Moana.

Social Studies

This week in Social Studies we worked on some basic skills like creating timelines and finding reliable sources for current events and how to take research notes. We had timelines due this week and our 3QPOC sheets are due on Monday. We will be moving on to map reading and will be writing a quiz on that on Wednesday. We will bridge to our first official unit by talking about how our Indigenous People viewed the geography of their home.

This week we learned about placing and according adjectives in French.  We are in the middle of a fingerprint project that students will complete on Monday and it will be due on Tuesday.  We will then prepare a small presentation in order to get to know each other a little better, and also to give me a sense of where we are starting out with regard to our verbal skills in French.  It's called <Ma vie en sac> or "my life in a bag".  In this spin on show-and-tell, we will select 3 objects that are able to fit into a bag.  These must be objects we feel best represent our values and who we are.  We will then describe each object aloud to the class and explain the importance of each! 

Friday, September 6, 2019

September 3-6 & Looking ahead Sept. 9-13

7-2 Homeroom Blog Posts -

Looking back & Looking ahead to September 9-13


We have finished our Lab Safety and Lab Equipment overview. Students now have their own Science Textbook which should be covered when convenient. We will shortly start our first unit on Interactions and Ecosystems which means that on average, a weekly Study Sheet will have to be built be students. More info on Monday. Class Notes Écosystème. If you have not done so, please review the Science Outline.


In hopes of saving some trees, I have forgone printing the ELA 7 course outline this year, in favour of linking to it here. Please check it out and discuss it with your student. Students have begun their first project of creating a soundtrack to their lives to help them to think a little bit more about their identites and to hopefully help me get to know them a little bit better. Linked are the assignment page and rubric. It will be Tuesday next week (tentatively). Afterwards next week, we will be beginning our Myths and Legends unit. The first two myths that we will be reading and comparing How the Thunder Made Horses and The Contest over Athens. I’m looking forward to this year in ELA!

Ms. McMorran

Social Studies

The social studies course outline can be found here. Please review it with your students. Alongside ELA, we have been discussing personal and Canadian Identity - which are basic themes of our year. Next week, we will be starting to do some basic social studies skills - timelines, map reading, and research techniques in anticipation of starting our first unit in a couple weeks - Canada’s First Peoples.

Ms. McMorran (again)


Welcome back! This week we have been engaging in some activities to get to know each other and to become familiar with the course outline and classroom organization. Please read and sign the course outline that was sent home. You can view and print a copy for yourself using the following link: Grade 7 FLA course outline Next week we will begin reviewing adjectives and how they accord with the noun in French. Students will then use their knowledge of adjectives to describe themselves through a 'fingerprint' project.

Phys. Ed

This week in Phys. Ed we introduced the students to all the PE Teachers and talked about the expectations of PE. We explained how the students will be assessed throughout the term as well. All the students should have received a PE Locker in the Change Room. They should be bringing their Gym Strip home on Fridays to get it washed for the upcoming week. We started our Soccer Module this week and will continue into next week as well! Have a great weekend!